Cookies Policy

What is a Cookies Policy?

Cookies policies are legally binding documents that inform website or application users about how your company engages in data tracking and online privacy. A cookie is a digitally encrypted file that is stored on your devices and browsers that are read when you revisit a website. They help companies deliver a better web experience across all devices, mediums, and visits.

Common examples of cookies policy use include:

Remembering items in a digital shopping cart

Saving customer language preferences

Using analytics to track internet market data

Retargeting ads to social media visitors

Offering CMS logins or blog commenting capabilities

Installing tracking pixels from third-party services

Some locations require you to use cookies policies, while others do not. However, some companies are taking a “better safe than sorry” approach when it comes to using website cookies. Managing your legal requirements conservatively can help you prevent an issue from arising in the first place.

What’s Included in a Cookies Policy?

Cookies policies have similar components to other contracts. However, cookies policies contain additional provisions related to the use and storage of cookies on a consumer’s computer, cell phone, or web browser. Your internet lawyers will help you determine if your cookies policies are website-ready and for consumer use.

The elements of a legally compliant cookies policy include:

Element 1. Cookies acknowledgment statement

Element 2. Cookies disclosure statement

Element 3. Intent for use statements

Element 4. Instructions for disabling cookies

Element 5. Company contact information

It is wise to draft consumer agreements, such as cookies policies, in simple terms. Complex contract language tends to confuse people, and they may not be able to find the information they need. Keep your cookies policies and other cookies-related documents as simple as possible to prevent potential misunderstandings.

Cookies Policy vs. Privacy Policy

There is a significant difference between a cookies policy vs. privacy policy. A cookies policy addresses how you use cookies and third-party services. In contrast, a privacy policy addresses how your company stores and uses consumer data. Privacy policies are subject to GDPR and CCPA compliance.

If you need legal advice regarding your cookies policies and other cookie-related documents, consider hiring technology lawyers to offer legal advice.

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